Divine Chocolate is a well-known Fair trade company partially owned by the cacao farmers. This part ownership allows the farmers a sustainable income while supporting the community. I had personally tasted their chocolates a couple of years ago at the...
Holy Cannoli is right! Just look at those amazing delicacies in the pictures! The Original Detroiter (custard and sliced nuts) and The Jubilee, chocolate covered cherries. Those were divine! From what I have heard, this is a start up...
What a great way to spend the rainy day sampling chocolates under one roof. To continue with the fond memories of the chocolate festival, I will be posting pictures of the event by showcasing the chocolatiers and the vendors and their works of...
"Get out of the same old boring dating routine! And bring back the romantic spark and love using chocolate themed date ideas and gifts for the Chocolate Date in your life. Chocolate Date is the new sexy dating."Read more